From Mayo To Nightlife: Everything Millennials Were Accused Of Killing In 2018
When you type the word "millennials" followed by the letter "k" into the Google search bar, you're immediately given over a dozen auto-populated inquiries about all the things people who were born between the early 1980s and mid-1990s have supposedly killed. Input "millennials k" into the search engine, and you'll learn that the generation is responsible for the deaths of everything from sex, napkins, and diamonds to Hooters, marriage, and divorce.
Given that Google is prompted to suggest all the ridiculous items and concepts we 20- and 30-somethings have murdered before recommending the searcher read up on how millennials keep libraries, unions, and handwriting alive, it's clear people are more drawn in by what millennials are disrupting than by what we're helping to maintain. When it comes to our generation, "kill" is a much grabbier "K" verb than "keep alive." This trend is especially true when it comes to food.
We've long endured headlines, studies, and think pieces pointing out what food items or dining habits our generation is destroying, but this year, it feels like the list of things we inadvertently put the kibosh on grew exponentially. Read on for a look at 2018's top contenders for culinary extinction.