If you’re feeling a little unsteady from last week’s eclipse, there’s a silver lining coming our way on Tuesday. The sun will conjunct with Mercury, helping us to speak freely. Dreams have the opportunity to become a reality on the 31st when Saturn and Neptune form a sextile. We’ll be feeling invigorated by the planet of rules working in tandem with the planet of dreams. And hold onto that positivity on Friday when action planet Mars squares Pluto, the planet of rebirth. It may feel like two giant cogs twirling quickly — but they don’t quite fit together. Instead of resisting, let the energy pass and consider how you can turn your problems into solutions, but hold off on making any significant decisions.
On Saturday, change-making Uranus trines Venus, the planet of beauty and change. Is it time for a mini makeover? Meanwhile, the moon wanes in Scorpio at the start of the week and enters a long void of course period, where it’s not exerting its influence on any particular house, on Monday evening until Tuesday morning. Make sure that you get lots of sleep! Void-of-course periods are a great time to recharge your emotional and spiritual batteries. Then, from Tuesday morning to Thursday afternoon, the moon wanes into Sagittarius, amping everyone up to get started on their big plans for February. On Thursday evening, the moon enters hard-working Capricorn for the rest of the week.

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