Why The Golden Company Is An Essential Part Of Cersei's Master Plan

Cersei Lannister needs help in her mission to retake Westeros and potentially defeat the forces of Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow, and help is on its way. Unfortunately, much to her obvious disappointment in the season 8 premiere, this help does not involve elephants.
But it does involve a cute captain-general called Harry Strickland! The Golden Company is here, in the flesh.
In season 7 of Game of Thrones, the Golden Company had been but a suggestion. The Lannisters finally repaid their debts to the Iron Bank by taking gold from Highgarden. Cersei had to make next moves. Like any trusty financial advisor, the Iron Bank's Tycho Nestoris (yes, that is Mark Gatiss) has a suggestion for what Cersei should do with her newfound wealth: Grow her army and navy. And he has a plan for it, too. Go straight to the Golden Company. Money may not be able to bring Cersei's brother-lover back, but it can buy her the Iron Throne.
But what is the Golden Company? Why haven't we heard of it yet? Hold tight, because this is one Thrones lesson you don't want to miss.

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