Your Horoscope This Week


We're in the mood to stir things up on Sunday, when anxious Mars squares structured Saturn. While it feels tempting to rebel against authority, our energy is better spent in preparation. Focus on strengthening your adaptability on Sunday, when a New Moon in mysterious Scorpio arrives, opposing imaginative Uranus. Be on the lookout for erratic behaviour in others, and nothing will surprise you. Feel like you're afraid of what's around the corner? Shake off your cosmic dread by confronting change on Monday, when the Sun opposes unpredictable Uranus. It's easy to doubt yourself, as these planets work against each other — remember to have faith. A lucky transit arrives on Wednesday, helping you to strengthen bonds. Reach out to others and show your love while chatty Mercury conjuncts sensitive Venus. It's a beautiful day to make new friendships, right before the messenger planet moves in reverse. Adopt a patient attitude starting Thursday when communication ruler Mercury enters his second retrograde of the year. His will move in reverse through Scorpio, asking us to be extra careful with our actions and words. Sensual Venus enters Sagittarius starting Friday, encouraging us to be more flexible in our approach to love, aesthetics, and material goods. Is it time that you changed-up your look? Be adventurous with autumn fashion during this spicy transit.
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