Your Horoscope This Week

It's time to reassess our approach to life. Late last week, taskmaster Saturn entered into independent Aquarius, ushering in a boundary-breaking energy that we’re still adjusting to. We've been given the opportunity to start fresh. On Sunday, messenger Mercury creates a sextile with enigmatic Uranus. This enables us to embrace new perspectives and open ourselves up to new ideas. Also on Sunday, charming Venus forms a sextile with dreamy Neptune, enhancing our creative energy. It’s a good time to take up a new practice, and to enjoy being a student; competition melts away during this period. We're blessed with ambition on Monday, as fiery Mars creates a conjunction with transformative Pluto. This transit could help you to bring fresh life to an old idea, or inspire you to begin something brilliant and different. The Moon enters a new cycle in ambitious Aries on Tuesday, and forms a conjunction with comet Chiron (known as the wounded healer) at 4:28 a.m. EST. Use this phase to focus on how you can heal yourself. On Friday, loving Venus forms a trine with lucky Jupiter, drawing you toward your loved ones. Explore creative ways to digitally connect with friends and family. Watch shows together via video chat; conference call your besties over dinner; or try virtual gaming. On Saturday, emotions are enhanced as affectionate Venus creates a trine with powerful Pluto. Now is the time to be honest with each other about our feelings and lean on each other for strength. Venus also rules finances, so we may find ourselves investigating new ways to maintain or share our wealth. 

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