Your Horoscope This Week


The start of the week has an edge to it. On Tuesday, the ego-ruling Sun forms a square against change-making Uranus. We’ll be itching to move on to the next big thing. Navigating this nervous energy will require patience — with ourselves and others. Keeping our schedules simple and carefully taking small steps can help us maintain a positive mindset. 
Thursday is a good day to meditate on how we'd like to create more satisfaction from your relationships, as charming Venus forms a conjunction with powerful Pluto. This transit offers a double whammy of emotional energy: We're able to attract others with ease, and we're especially sensitive to each other's feelings. We should act and speak with honesty to build strong relationships during this transit, and not be afraid to create healthy boundaries. We're craving the spotlight on Thursday as well, as the emotion-ruling Moon waxes full in proud Leo at 2:16 P.M. EST. Feelings will run high as the Moon creates a square against innovative Uranus and fiery Mars, so we’ll have to do our best to manage any drama that arises with grace. The Moon will also oppose lucky Jupiter and rule-making Saturn, making it a day of jumping through hoops to make others happy. Here’s where those boundaries come in handy again: We can't please everyone, and that's okay. Later on in the day, we'll be feeling more optimistic about our goals as the ego-ruling Sun forms a conjunction with bountiful Jupiter. It's a beautiful transit to reach out to someone who needs a helping hand and encourage others. But we’ll have to try to be mindful of our words, lest we come off as boastful or braggy.
On Saturday, it's time to begin conserving our energy and slow down as messenger Mercury stations retrograde in independent Aquarius. When the communication planet moves in reverse, he puts more responsibility on getting back to friends, family, and colleagues. We’ll want to make sure to check our texts, inboxes, draft folders, and junk mail to ensure that we’re on top of our correspondence. Getting ghosted hurts, even if it's not on purpose. Life might be looking a little different as we navigate this transit, but it's a great time to be extra-cautious about how we come across, find lost things, and reminisce. We can think of it as an opportunity to reconnect with our inner voice, and rediscover our rebellious side. 

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