Your Horoscope This Week: March 28, 2021

Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Following Sunday’s Full Moon in Libra, our last days of March and first days of April are bound to be contemplative ones. Whether our schedules are burdened by the necessary errands of a new season or strained against the emotional toll of a world that is in desperate need of a compassionate structural overhaul, we are very good at searching for meaning even when there’s barely time to search for details. The sign of Libra, especially, is good at brooding and can tend toward obsessive thoughts — especially if there’s even a glimmer of a chance that the act of thinking something all the way through (when has that ever happened?) will serve to bring down the sword of justice. It doesn’t help that Mercury still transiting Pisces can make those thoughts all the more murky and susceptive to wishful reasoning. Luckily, the Sun’s transit through Aries coupled with Venus in Aries is more than willing to push us past Brooding Town into Action City. With Gemini Mars forming an air trine to Aquarius Saturn and Saturn forming a trine to the Full Moon in Libra, the devil is in the details and more than willing to balance the accounts. The air trine work of Sunday’s Full Moon is mostly under the surface, with Mars positioned at 14°, Saturn at 11° and the Libra full moon at 8° but there’s no time like the equinox to remember the impact of work we can’t yet perceive.

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