Everything Leaving Netflix Canada In May 2021

Photo: Legendary Pictures/Kobal/Shutterstock.
Going, going, gone. Whether you notice it or not, with every new arrival on Netflix Canada, a handful of films and shows leave the platform and fade into the streaming abyss. More often than not, they end up on another platform like Prime Video or Crave, but I can’t help but feel slightly disappointed and disoriented when one of my go-to streams is suddenly nowhere to be found. I’m still harbouring some serious resentment over the fact that Mad Men was bumped from Netflix’s roster midway through my first watch. Not cool, Netflix.
To help you stay on top of what’s joining and leaving Netflix Canada’s ever-evolving lineup — and avoid unintended cliffhangers — we’ve put together all of the platform’s outgoing titles for this month. So, if you’ve had one of these titles on the backburner of your watch list, now’s the time to revisit them before they’re gone
Here’s what will be leaving Netflix Canada this month.

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