Watch These TED Talks For a Boost Of Career Inspiration

illustrated by Paola Delucca.
At times, it can be frustrating to be a female professional. Despite all the talk about gender equality, women continue to make substantially less than their male counterparts and issues like workplace harassment, racism, and sexism are ever-present occurrences in essentially all industries. On top of this, women still struggle to advocate for themselves; though we negotiate roughly the same amount as men, men are still more likely to receive raises.
While it would be ideal for every woman to be able to afford a personal career coach to work with on an ongoing basis, this isn’t always feasible. But there are a lot of great, free resources available — from career podcasts, to advice from sites like Glassdoor and Career Contessa, to free talks and career events in your own city, to TED Talks.
These bite-sized videos are packed with insight and inspiration. It's the perfect way to get a dose of confidence — whether you’re thinking about asking for that raise, negotiating a salary offer, changing careers, or just trying to get through another week. Ahead are 10 great TED Talks by women that discuss careers, resilience, and grit, and are sure to leave you feeling refreshed and ready to take on anything that comes your way.

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