Since Following These 6 Simple Rules, My Skin Has Never Been Better
Last Updated January 25, 2021, 1:29 PM
As a beauty editor, I'm lucky enough to try hundreds of products so I like to think I've nailed how to sort the good from the not so good. But when it comes to achieving skin I'm personally happy with, it isn't solely about the cleansers, moisturizers and serums that line my #shelfie.
I have combination skin, which is prone to oiliness (and subsequently the odd acne cluster), as well as drier patches exacerbated by winter weather. Over the years, I've discovered that it's the little tricks I've incorporated into my AM to PM routine which tend to keep my skin in check, and mostly they're quick, easy and affordable.
From avoiding cleansing in the shower to getting rid of my eye cream stash, click through to discover six tweaks that helped me uncover my best skin ever.