Here’s Week 2 Of Your Exclusive Kayla Itsines Workout

Feeling sore? That's okay. You're on Week 2 of the workout plan I created specifically for Refinery29's 2020 Clean Slate program. (You can find Week 1 here.) These workouts are all 28 minutes in length and are great if you are short on time.
Each workout in this series is made up of two circuits that contain four exercises each. Set a timer for seven minutes and complete the movements in Circuit 1, taking a 30-second rest at the end of each lap (a lap is all four exercises in a circuit) so you can maintain your form throughout the whole workout. (You should aim to complete as many rounds of each circuit as possible within the seven minutes.)
Then, rest for 60 seconds before beginning Circuit 2. Repeat both circuits again for a full 28-minute workout!
There are five days of workouts here, which are meant to be completed over the course of seven days. How you complete them, and in which order, is up to you, but I don't recommend that you do resistance workouts on consecutive days. Instead, you should aim to include a LISS (low intensity, steady state cardio) or recovery session on the days between resistance workouts to allow adequate recuperation.
In this slideshow, you'll find the workouts, reps, and accompanying videos. But if you need more detail on how to perform these exercises, please download Week 2 of the Kayla Itsines x Refinery29 PDF here.
EQUIPMENT: Dumbbells (5 - 10 lbs each), chair, and recovery band.
TIP: Short on time? Complete Circuit 1 and Circuit 2 for a quick 14 minute full-body workout. It might be speedy, but you'll still feel the burn!
Kayla Itsines is an Australia-based global fitness trainer with the SWEAT App.| Check out the food component of Clean Slate 2020, and our 30-day meditation challenge!

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