Would You Ever Rage Quit Your Job? Here’s What 8 People Learned When They Did
Last Updated August 12, 2021, 1:28 PM
It can be surprisingly easy to stick around at a job you don’t like. After all, there's a comfort that comes with a steady paycheque or cushy benefits, and that can often outweigh the nagging feelings of restlessness you may be experiencing.
It's a phenomenon millennials know all too well: In recent years, millennial disengagement at work has been reported to be as high as 71%. Today's young workers are increasingly seeking things like a good workplace culture, work-life balance, and remote work options. But many workplaces just aren't delivering, and as a result many millennials aren't happy in their jobs, whether they're dealing with bad management, a toxic office culture, or lack of diversity and inclusion. And though some have options (have you ever heard of taking a stress leave?), there are others who reach a boiling point and just quit.
One third of millennials plan to quit their jobs after the pandemic. And while some disgruntled employees are able to give the standard two weeks' notice, others who find themselves at the end of their proverbial rope abruptly quit on the spot.
So what happens after you "rage quit"? And is it worth it to leave your job in such a way? Ahead, we talked with eight women who rage quit their jobs to shed some light on how it went, and what they learned from the experience.