photographed by Anna Jay.
Happy Vegan Day! In case you hadn't noticed, being vegan is very "in" right now. Of course, food choices shouldn't ever be "in" or "out". You should eat what makes you happy. But it is noted that avoiding animal products is a positive thing you can do to help with the sustainability issues our planet is facing. So, if veganism is for you, wave goodbye to eggs, say adios to steak. Set fire to mountains of brie and manchego. Do what makes you feel good.
Just because your vegan lifestyle is making you feel good though, doesn't mean it comes without its own set of issues. In this age of the vegan fad, it can get a little tiring answering things like "IS QUORN VEGAN" on a daily basis (answer: some is, some isn't), or getting yet another eye roll from Aunty Carol at Christmas dinner when you explain once more for the cheap seats in the back that no, your veganism isn't a phase.
To help everyone be more mindful of the vegans in their lives, I lured two UK Refinery29 vegans (Nina Joyce, PR Director and Sadhbh O'Sullivan, Social Media Editor) into a conversation using a packet of seitan and asked them what they find most annoying about being vegan. Click through to find their answers.

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