Why You’re Obsessed With Hocus Pocus

Photo: Courtesy of Disney.
You may consider yourself too old to go trick or treating this year. However, you are — without a doubt — never too old to watch Hocus Pocus every October for the rest of your life.
Perhaps you've never thought to question why you're so loyal to a movie from the early '90s when a new Halloween movie comes out every year. But, Mashable decided to explore our obsession with the Sanderson sisters — because it's a bit odd, right?
Hocus Pocus had every reason not to succeed, and, according to Mashable's report, it didn't. The film grossed just over $39 million at the box office (and that was in the '90s). Critics gave it lacklustre reviews. (Roger Ebert gave it one star; The New York Times said it had "virtually no grip on its story.") Yet, as soon as the film was released on video and later on DVD, sales have peaked every October and continue to rise. Not to mention you can see it any given October on ABC Family or Lifetime.
The film risked being a Disney Channel original movie and skipping the cinemas altogether. Plus, it was released on 16th July. A Halloween movie. On the same day as Free Willy.
Still, it prevailed. And, Mashable says it's because of three key elements: "big-name stars, a campy concept, and a PG script that flirted with PG-13 jokes." The last factor is probably the most important, too. We watch Hocus Pocus for the nostalgia. We live for catching all those sex jokes in it we missed as kids.
Check out the full report on Mashable to see more information on how Hocus Pocus put a spell on you. (Mashable)

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