Drake’s Made An Advert And We’re Buying It

Drizzy where does your artistic repertoire end? We're referring to Drake's cinematic trailer for his OVO (October's Very Own– duh!) clothing line. Whilst we're loving the angel delight coloured tracksuit Drake is sporting (we're pretty sure we had a very similar one in 2003 and we're quite sure his icon of a mum Sandi, was wearing one last week) we're having major FOMO about missing the LA store opening. In the meantime we're going to be watching and re-watching the weird but unquestionably genius footage that's basically a Lana Del Rey music video complete with inexplicable cuts to ocean scenes and sports cars. We've of course already screenshotted all the close ups of Drizzy's face which is as smooth as the car journey he seems to be taking to, um, nowhere. If you were ever in doubt as to wether the act of driving could be sensual, please watch the below. Side note: Drake for president.