Last year, mental health issues were given more space than ever before by editors and media outlets, with publications such as VICE, The Times, the BBC and the Sunday Mirror all nominated for the Mind Media Awards. Hopefully, the increased coverage had a positive effect on the estimated 1 in 4 people who suffer from mental health problems in the UK, and hopefully, the issue will continue to be prioritised in 2016.
In a surprising move, Kensington Palace has announced that the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, is to guest-edit the Huffington Post’s UK website from mid-Feb, commissioning a series of features focussing on mental health in children from leading experts in the field, as well as teachers, parents and “young people” – presumably who have suffered from mental health issues in childhood. It’s an extremely important issue, and actually, something that’s been under-reported with the majority of mental health editorial focussing on adult issues and treatments.
The Palace released the following statement about the project:
“The Duchess of Cambridge has made the mental health of young children a key focus of her work in recent years. She is delighted that the Huffington Post will help put the spotlight on this important issue.” Kensington Palace added that they look forward to welcoming the Huff Post editorial team into the palace.
Late last year, Kate spoke at the Place2Be Headteacher Conference, addressing parents, teachers and school staff, saying:
“I know that I was lucky. My parents and teachers provided me with a wonderful and secure childhood where I always knew I was loved, valued and listened to, but of course many children aren’t so lucky. Since beginning my work in areas like addiction, for example, I have seen time and time again that the roots of poor mental health in adulthood are almost always present in unresolved childhood challenges.”