The note said that I was a potential target of terrorist activity. It said that thousands of others were on the list, too.
My heart leapt into my throat. This wasn’t just some angry, disenfranchised kid. These were actual fighters from the scariest group imaginable: ISIS.
The aim of releasing the names on that list was to make people second guess themselves, to make people afraid, and it worked. That one email changed my life forever.
"While our standard practice is to decline comment on specific operational and investigative matters, the FBI routinely notifies individuals and organizations of information collected during the course of an investigation that may be perceived as potentially threatening in nature. Potential threats may relate to individuals, institutions, or organizations, and are shared in order to sensitize potential victims to the observed threat, and to assist them in taking proper steps to ensure their safety," Kelly J. Langmesser, a spokeswoman in the FBI's New York office, told Refinery29.