Of all the ways that parents find to discipline their children — grounding them, making them do the washing up, giving them the silent treatment — public mockery might be the worst. That's how one dad chose to punish his daughter after she refused to stop posting provocative selfies on Instagram.
Chris "Burr" Martin, a comedian and radio host based in Washington took selfies that mimicked his daughter's poses. He placed them in a side-by-side frame and posted them on his Instagram. It's easy to see why the photos quickly went viral.
For anyone who has ever dealt with an embarrassing parent, the images are hilariously relatable, if not more embarrassing than the norm.
Luckily, Martin's daughter took the mockery in stride. Her Instagram account now bears the description: "My father harasses me on social media girl." His, on the other hand, reads: "that Selfie Dad guy."
For those who wouldn't take that kind of humiliation as well, it might be best to keep social media accounts private (and decline your parents' request to follow you). As Martin showed, you never know how they'll use your posts to teach you a lesson.