Watch President Obama Dance To Eminem Backstage At The DNC

Rarely can we peek behind the curtain of power. While this short backstage video produced about the Democratic National Convention isn’t exactly tossing back the curtain and revealing the true Oz, it is a wonderful respite from the typically endless torrent of Trump. The video features a parade of Democratic heavy hitters, from politicians to celebrities. There’s Elizabeth Warren telling Sarah Silverman, “Tough women have to get it done, right?” There’s Chloë Grace Moretz telling Corey Booker that it’s her first time voting as well as her first convention. And there’s Barack Obama bouncing his head to Eminem. That’s not even mentioning Lena Dunham, Meryl Streep, Katy Perry, or anyone else backstage. But perhaps the most remarkable part of the video? Just listen for the crowd’s roar when Hillary Clinton walks out to hug President Obama after his speech.

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