Stranger Things Creators Promise There Will Be Justice For Barb

Photo: Curtis Baker/Netflix
Although a second season of Stranger Things hasn't been officially announced, Barb fans already have something to look forward to. Sort of. The show's co-creator, Matt Duffer, told IGN that he doesn't see Barb coming back, per se, but that doesn't mean her plot line won't be revived. “Barb will not be forgotten,” Duffer said. “We’ll make sure there’s some justice for Barb. People get very frustrated, understandably, that the town doesn’t seem to be really dealing with Barb. That stuff is all happening. We’re just not spending any screen time on it.” Since season 1 takes place over the course of a week, Duffer also said the next will pick up "to explore the repercussions of everything that happened." That, of course, includes Barb's demise. One presumably dead character Duffer says will definitely maybe make a return? Brenner, played by Matthew Modine. “I would say that if we were going to kill Brenner…as an audience member watching the show, if that was his death, that would be very unsatisfying to me — when the monster jumps on him and we cut away," Duffer said. "He would deserve much more than that as an ending. So yes, there’s a possibility of seeing him again.” For an allegedly hypothetical season 2, the showrunners are already predicting plenty about what's happening next in Hawkins.

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