The Internet Is Reacting Hilariously To Apple’s Bizarre New Headphones

With today’s unveiling of the new iPhone 7 came the news that the world had long suspected: Apple is nixing the headphone jack. Instead, they announced new iPhone compatible earbuds called AirPods, which are essentially cordless headphones (if cordless headphones cost £159). If that sounds a little ridiculous, that’s because it is, and the internet is having a field day with the news. For instance, if you thought finding your headphones in the bottom of your purse was difficult before, just imagine that struggle sans cord.
However, they do boast some pretty cool features. While having to charge your earbuds sounds like a pain, they come with sensors that detect when they’ve been inserted into your ear, so no more realising your music has been playing in your backpack for the past hour. They can also still be used to talk to Siri, featuring internal microphones that actually block out background noise, making your voice easier to hear. That’s neat, but as people are pointing out, it doesn’t make them look any less, well, stupid.
If you don’t feel like forking over £159 for these walking choking hazards, then there are already some adaptors on the market that allow you to keep your trusty cord earphones for only $19.99. However, we can’t put off change forever. This might just be the beginning of the end for the headphone jack.

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