The 2016 Presidential election has been stressful for many Americans. However, Girls star and creator Lena Dunham now has one more reason to stress — and it has nothing to do with who was elected President.
On November 8, Vice contributing writer Michael Tracey tweeted a screenshot of Dunham’s voter information, which stated that she was not registered with the Democratic Party. Dunham had posted a photo of herself with an "I Voted" sticker after allegedly voting in the primaries for Hillary Clinton, whom the actress then went on to campaign for during the election. The problem? In his attempt to call Dunham out for allegedly not voting in the primaries, Tracey also revealed her home address — opening the celebrity up to a world of potential dangers.
For the record, Dunham said that she did, in fact, vote, and is currently registered as a Democrat:
I DID vote and am a registered Democrat. I used to be a registered independent before my "political awakening."
— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) November 8, 2016
Tracey doesn't have to like Dunham, agree with her political leanings, or applaud her for campaigning for Clinton. It's his blatant disregard for her privacy that is deeply unsettling. No one should feel so entitled to shame another person that they believe they are entitled to reveal personal information, no matter how readily available online it is.
Dunham is a celebrity — and, as we've seen from efforts like Tracey's, not a universally beloved one. Yet Tracey gave strangers with bad intentions an invitation to seek out Dunham's home. Considering everything that has transpired during this election, I'm disappointed, but not surprised, that someone would feel entitled to do so.