Amy Adams: Stop Asking Actresses About Hollywood Pay Gap

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It's funny, how people ask A-list actresses about the Hollywood pay and representation gap. Not only are the answerers typically beneficiaries of the star machine, but you wouldn't ask a surgeon to perform open heart surgery on himself. Amy Adams and Taraji P. Henson communicated this sentiment more or less exactly during a roundtable discussion with The Hollywood Reporter. "Who you should be asking is the Producer Roundtable: 'Do you think minorities are underrepresented? Do you think women are underpaid?' We are always put on the chopping block to put our opinion out there, and that question is never asked. I'm like, 'Why don't you ask them and then have their statements be the headlines in the press?' I don't want to be a headline anymore about pay equality," Adams told the magazine. "That's why I changed what I was saying," Henson said, "because they expect it: 'Do you think it's hard for African-Americans?' 'Oh, yes…' (Laughs.)" "I agree with you," Adams said. "I think the real question should be asked of the people who make those decisions." That's an extremely good point. Of course, it's still a huge issue. But we're not short on people talking about levelling the playing field. Read the rest of their roundtable here.

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