Sadiq Khan’s Plan To Fix The Gender Pay Gap

Photo: Tristan Fewings/Getty Images
London Mayor Sadiq Khan has reaffirmed his feminist credentials and commitment to ending the gender pay gap, after a study revealed well above average pay gaps at some London bodies. The internal study of institutions including Transport for London (TfL) and the Metropolitan Police found huge disparities in the salaries of many men and women who work in the capital, the Evening Standard reported. At TfL, men are paid on average 19.2% more than women, while the Met pays men 11.6% more. The pay gap at the London Legacy Development Corporation, which is responsible for the future of the Olympic Park, is a shocking 35%. The only mayoral body without a gender pay gap is the London Fire Brigade, the study found. Across the rest of London's full-time workers, the pay gap is 11.9%, and it is lower still across the rest of the UK, at 9.4%, reported the Evening Standard.

Khan today criticised the evidence of a persistent pay gap as "unacceptable" and admitted that TfL and the Met must do more to eradicate it once and for all. “Clearly we all need to do much more to put our own houses in order. I am determined to lead by example,” he said. “It is unacceptable that in 2016 in London, the most progressive city in the world, your gender determines how much you get paid and your career prospects." He reiterated his vow "to be a proud feminist at City Hall", adding that he "will remove any barriers to women by adopting the highest possible standards for fair pay, good working conditions and gender equality... I hope businesses across the capital will follow suit as we strive to create a fairer society for all.” Khan, who has two daughters, has taken concrete steps towards gender equality at his own workplace since he was elected as Mayor in May. He filled most of the roles in his mayoral team with women and in July published City Hall's first ever gender pay audit. However, while five of his eight deputy mayors are women, there is only one woman among his top five advisors, the Evening Standard reported. Khan said he plans to introduce more part-time and flexible working in City Hall to increase women's representation at senior levels.

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