If You Drink & Drive In Canada, Police Will Make You Listen To Nickelback

Photo: Joby Sessions/Future Publishing/REX/Shutterstock.
Canadian cops have come up with a truly torturous form of punishment for drunk drivers. They've threatened to play Nickelback to them, BBC reports. Prince Edward Island's Kensington Police Service took to Facebook to remind everyone to get a designated driver on their nights out. And they mean business. "When we catch you, and we will catch you, on top of a hefty fine, a criminal charge, and a years driving suspension, we will also provide you with a bonus gift of playing the office's copy of Nickelback in the cruiser on the way to jail," they wrote. "Now, now, no need to thank us, we figure if you are foolish enough to get behind the wheel after drinking then a little Chad Kroeger and the boys is the perfect gift for you." The horror. While this policy is not encoded in the law, there's nothing exactly stopping them. But they really don't want to have to do it — for their own sake as well as everyone else's. "So please, lets not ruin a perfectly good unopened copy of Nickelback," the post concludes. "You don't drink and drive and we won't make you listen to it. "
You've got to feel bad for the band since they've become the butt of so many jokes. But at least now people's distaste for their music is being used for good.

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