The Obamas Just Made A Major Announcement About Their Plans After The White House

Photo: CHRIS KLEPONIS/AFP/Getty Images.
UPDATE: If you were already missing the Obamas, fear not! We know what they're doing next, and we have to admit we're pretty excited. The former president and first lady took to the web to announce their plans for the Obama Presidential Centre. (It feels weird to say "former," right?) "First, we're going to take a little break," Michelle said in a video published earlier today. "We're finally going to get some sleep, and take some time to be with our family, and just be still for a little bit." Then, it's going to be all hands on deck. In the video announcement, POTUS 44 asks for us to check out the website for the centre, which he says will be "more than a library or museum." Based in the South Side of Chicago, the organisation will have projects in the city, but also across the U.S. and even globally. The Obamas are also asking citizens to send recommendations and ideas about what could be achieved through the centre. "This will be your presidential centre just as much as it's ours," the former FLOTUS said. "So we want you to tell us what we should be thinking about, as we get to work." Pretty amazing, right? Watch the video below.
This story was originally published on January 19, 2017.
After next week, President Barack Obama will say goodbye to the White House. For the first time in eight years, Obama won't be a president, but a citizen, just like us. In an interview with 60 Minutes, Obama talked about some of the things he plans on doing with his time now that he's not running the free world. Obama said he'd like to take a vacation, work on his presidential library and set up a foundation. "I’m not going to Wall Street," he said. "The amount of time that I’ll be investing in issues is going to be high. But it’ll be necessarily in a different capacity." The former POTUS also plans on writing another book. It's something Michelle Obama is also planning on doing. The Washington Post reported that the First Lady is working on her memoir, while longtime aide Melissa Winter thinks there will be more books to come. “Probably down the line [there are] many books in her,” Winter said. “I think she’d be a wonderful children’s book author. We haven’t set up a process for that, [but] down the line it would be a natural way to exhale from an experience like this.” Obama told 60 Minutes that he plans on doing "a little puttering" before getting back to teaching. "I do not expect to be behind a desk a lot," he explained. "I look forward to teaching the occasional class, 'cause I was a professor. And I had fun doing it." When it came to what Obama was most excited to do after he left office, there was only one thing. "I’m going to spend time with Michelle," he said. "And, you know, we got some catching up to do. We’ve both been busy." As for what he's going to do on January 21st — the first day of the rest of his life — Obama wasn't sure. But he had an idea of what he wouldn't be doing. "Well, here’s one thing, I’m not setting my alarm," he said. "That, I’m certain of."

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