These Search Results Could Prove Twitter Is Trolling Donald Trump

Donald Trump won't like these search results. When you search narcissistic personality disorder, tiny hands, fascist, bigot, racist, or asshole, Twitter displays Trump's account at the top of the results. Occasionally, he shares the top result with another account. But he's always at the top. If those results change, journalists have captured screenshots of them in tweets.
Some have speculated that this is an editorial decision by Twitter, but most likely it's just a function of how their search algorithm works. After all, Buzzfeed notes that he was tweeted about 42.7 million times between December 5, 2016 and January 5, 2016. And, as proof that Twitter the corporation is not always your friend, here's their result for corrupt.
In a similar vein, NPR is the top result when you search "liar." Barack Obama and Trump share the distinction of coming up first when "president" is searched. (Though Obama also comes up when you search "dad," which makes a ton of sense.) Twitter has thus far declined comment. We suspect we'll hear Trump's thoughts, at length, on this issue in the next few days.

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