This Is The Best Day To Find A Date For Valentine’s Day

Photo: Kathrin Ziegler/Getty Images.
Flipping our calendars to February can be a serious cause of anxiety. Not only because we don't know where the time has gone, but because we don't yet have plans for that most loving of holidays, Valentine's Day. Whether you're an old romantic at heart or don't really care for the celebration, there's one place to go if you're looking for a date — and one day you should definitely do it. Dating app Happn, a service that connects people based on how often they cross paths, has shared data with Refinery29 indicating that the 7th of February is their busiest day for U.S. users. This could be because we're all scrambling to nail down that special someone for the coming week. As for what dating will be like in 2017, the app partnered with Glossybox to get some insight into what partners are looking for in a date. For instance, a sense of humour is a must for both parties, and when it comes to what to do, most people agree that dinner at a restaurant is the way to go. Whether you're looking for everlasting love or simply something to stop FOMO, warm those dating apps up for February 7th. You've got some serious swiping to do.

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