Well, the high school quarterback isn't immune to haters, apparently, even when he's an NFL star player. The Patriots' Tom Brady scored his fifth Super Bowl win last night, in what will go down as one of the greatest comebacks in modern sports history. Brady carried his team from a major point deficit to the finish line in the last seconds of overtime. But that victory didn't stop Twitter users from trolling him for being
a face of Ugg. Oh, you didn't know? Yeah, Brady has been nursing his achilles tendons in the sheepskin-lined slippers for some time now.
While the Patriots were losing for most of the game, the Internet turned on the pro-Trump quarterback, taking his Ugg sponsorship to meme city with an image of Brady slumped over on the sidelines. But thanks to a couple of perfectly-timed plays and, perhaps, the cushioning of an imaginary pair of
Ugg Classic Short's, we all know who got the last laugh in the end. While the memes ranged from "definitely worth sharing" to, well, downright shady, we couldn't help but feel a little bit sorry for the guy. Because, come on, you
know you've got a pair or two of the boots hidden in your closet.
Check out some of our favourite tweets, below; we highly encourage taking a scan on Twitter for yourself, too, since there are quite a few gems. And, in the spirit of being team players, we truly hope Brady doesn't let the Twitter trolls get him too far down, because we need more of these hilarious
#DoNothing ads to keep us laughing and moving forward.