Please Don’t Send J.K. Rowling Tweets About Her Own Death

Guys, we get it. With the exception of a few Death Eater trolls, everyone loves J.K. Rowling. She's flattered. But let's keep it in check, okay? Yesterday the Harry Potter author called out a meme that basically summed up how distraught fans will be when Rowling, eventually, passes on to that great Hogwarts in the sky. She makes a good point — who wants to think about their own demise and the mourning that will follow when they're still very much alive?
"This is very sweet, but I won't be offended if you untag me when making plans for my death," Rowling alerted fans in a tweet. "This tweet is gonna blow up when you die," responded an amused follower who still didn't get it. "Yes, let's talk more about when I die," Rowling fired back. "It's cheering me right up."
She also declined a Scottish journalist's offer to let her read her own obituary, which he claimed his paper had on file, just in case. "I know what happened," she replied in a tweet. "I was there."
Point taken. Now, will you all let this woman live?

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