Netflix Knows If Your Partner Is Cheating On You

Photo: Courtesy of Netflix.
Netflix already knows our most shameful streaming secrets — like the guilty pleasure shows we watch when we think no one is around — but it turns out the streaming company has some dirt on us IRL as well. New data found that Netflix-cheating is on the rise for couples, but that doesn't necessarily mean what you think. In this modern world, there's such a thing as cheating via streaming, or when your partner goes ahead and watches episodes of a show without you that you promised you would watch together. According to Netflix, 46% of couples who stream shows together are watching ahead without their significant others. Netflix surveyed of 30,000 people all over the world to determine how often and why people cheat. The shows that were the biggest instigators of Netflix infidelity were The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, American Horror Story, House of Cards, Orange Is The New Black, Narcos, and Stranger Things. In terms of how they got away with it, 25% of partners claimed the cheating happened when the other had fallen asleep, but 45% won't own up to having secretly hit "next episode." Luckily, the reasoning isn't malicious. The study found that 80% of the cheating was unplanned, that partners got caught up in the heat of the moment. That being said, 18% of couples have had actual verbal arguments because of it. Like most aspects of relationships, it's all about trust. But if your partner doesn't wait for you when Stranger Things comes back this fall, can you really blame them?

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