This Lipstick Is For Your Vagina — But It's Not As Bad As It Sounds

The human vagina has been described as a self-cleaning oven, by experts who would know about that sort of thing. The implication being that one need not flush it out with floral-scented douches nor wipe it down with special antiseptic cleansing wipes for it to stay healthy. Practice good hygiene, use protection, and consult a gynaecologist if anything ever seems off. Take good care of it and it’ll take good care of you.
Of course, 'care' can mean different things to different people. Some prefer a low-maintenance, wash-and-go kind of routine; others like to spring for something extra. If the latter person is you, and a well-moisturised vulva is what you desire, then you’re in luck: There’s now a convenient product designed to keep your labia and vulvar skin hydrated while on the go. It’s called the VMAGIC Feminine Lips Stick and the tagline is, “Because your other lips get chapped, too!”
The Feminine Lips Stick only sounds like an SNL skit that hasn’t aged well. It is, in fact, a real thing that addresses a real issue, which is dry skin on the outer areas near the vagina. That includes the labia, the vulva, the clitoris, and the perineum — don’t worry, we won’t judge if you need a quick refresher course on Female Anatomy 101 to figure out where this stuff is supposed to go.
When you’re putting something that close to your actual vagina, the obvious question is one of safety. The brand claims that the cream is 100% natural, free of dyes, fragrances, soy, hormones, steroids, synthetic preservatives, petroleum, and parabens, lab-tested, dermatologist-tested, and “proven to be zero irritant.” As for the ingredients, you’ll find olive oil, avocado oil, sea buckthorn oil, beeswax, honey, propolis, and not much else. VMAGIC even claims that the stick is 100% edible, so do with that information what you will...
We reached out to several dermatologists for their wisdom regarding the ingredients and efficacy of the product. They all either failed to get back to us, or straight-up politely declined. With that in mind, use the Feminine Lips Stick at your discretion — and hey, from the sound of that ingredients list, maybe you could even use it as a moisturiser on your face lips, too. As long as nobody goes using feminine wash as a facial cleanser, then we’re probably all good.

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