Matthew Perry Reveals His Favourite Chandler Joke Of All Time

There was no '90s-NYC-bestie-sitcom quite as funny as Friends (JK there totally was), and there was no Friend quite as funny as Chandler Bing. Let's just accept this fact already. Monica was funny/bratty, Joey was funny/dopey, Ross was funny/nerdy, Phoebe was funny/floopy, and Rachel was...not really that funny actually. But Chandler? Chandler was bratty, dopey, nerdy, floopy, and funny. Seven sitcom dwarves in one!
Even The Man Behind The Chan, Matthew Perry, has to admit that his character was pretty spot-on with the jokes. When Perry appeared on Good Morning America today, host Lara Spencer even referred to Perry as "the king of the one-liners." She asked him to share his all-time favourite Chandler quote — and it's a solid choice.
The line happens in a scene when Joey is recommending a tailor to Chandler:
"You should go see Frankie, my family's been going to him forever," Joey (Matt LeBlanc) suggests. "He did my first suit when I was 15...No wait, 16...No, excuse me, 15...When was 1990?"
"OK," Chandler begins, calmly stooping down to eye level with Joey, who's sitting on the couch. "You have to stop the Q-tip when there's RESISTANCE!"
Aw, poor funny/dopey Joey, always the brunt of brain-related jokes about his dopiness. (But really, although sticking Q-tips in your ears probably won't cause actual brain damage, medical professionals still don't recommend it. So...)
But now that we know Joey was almost played by Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau nearly nabbed the role of Chandler, it's clear viewers dodged a dopey/bratty/funny bullet. How could that pairing even hold a bromance candle to LeBlanc and Perry? Come on.
Watch Perry's favourite clip below — and then go ahead and dig out those old VHS tapes you're hoarding for more. We won't stop you.

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