Next Week's Full Moon Will Call For Big Changes

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Next Tuesday, April 11, will see the moon wax to fullness and become what's known as the Pink Moon or, in Pagan traditions, the Wind Moon. Though they may seem different, both of these names allude to the changes in nature that take place at this time of year — and how you can enact similar changes in your own life.
Although winter has come and gone, the wind remains, stirring up seeds and pollen from newly budding plants. More and more flowers are starting to bloom, adding all sorts of colours (including pink) to the landscape. With regrowth everywhere you look, it's only natural to focus on new and exciting things coming your way, too.
Last month's full moon also celebrated the rebirth of springtime, but April's full moon encourages us to take a more active role in the changes we're experiencing. Think of it this way: Like the winds that so often accompany those April showers, you can help direct the movements of others.
Next week, flex your influencer muscles, whether you do that at work or in your personal life. This full moon is the perfect time to start those tricky conversations you've been saying you're going to have but keep putting off (looking for a raise? thinking about moving in with your partner?). If you aren't totally comfortable or the timing doesn't feel right, don't force the issue, but know that you can put changes in motion if you want to (though we suggest you keep in mind the four retrogrades happening this month).
The entire spring season is a testament to nature's ability to endure the dark and cold of winter. The April full moon is a reminder of our own strength and a call to action: You survived the winter — so what will you do now to ensure you thrive come summertime?

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