Hackers Wreaked Havoc On These 13 Reasons Why Stars

If you were wondering why 13 Reasons Why castmembers were trolling Selena Gomez, now you know.
Seventeen reports that two actors on the Netflix drama, Ross Butler and Justin Prentice, had their Instagram accounts hacked earlier this week. The hackers then left nasty comments on photos posted by 13 Reasons Why executive producer Gomez and her boyfriend, The Weeknd.
A note from Butler's account told The Weeknd that Gomez was "getting fresh on set," while Prentice appeared to have left a snotty comment asking the "Bad Liar" singer of being unable to act. How dare you, hackers? How. Dare. You.
Both actors confirmed the hacking on Twitter.
"Yes, Ross and I were hacked," Prentice, who plays Bryce Walker on the show, tweeted to fans. "We have full control of our accounts again. Nothing but love for the people who were targeted."
Butler and Prentice aren't the only celebrities to have their social media accounts hacked this week. Amber Rose also announced that she'd been hacked after comments trashing Beyoncé and Tyga were sent from her Twitter account. Hackers are also reportedly threatening to release Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales if Disney doesn't pay a hefty ransom.
We can live with Tyga and Johnny Depp getting a hard time, but what on earth do these hackers have against our girls Beyoncé and Selena Gomez? That's to say nothing of the constant, misogynistic leaking of nude photos and whatever is happening in the White House. Consider this your daily reminder to change those passwords, fam.

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