Michelle Obama Packs Her Lunch Every Day — Here's What She Eats

Photo: Gerardo Mora/Getty Images.
There are plenty of reasons we look up to the former First Lady. She has had a successful law career, she is a champion for girls’ education, and now we can add that she always has a healthy and satisfying lunch, which she carries from home every single day. She has got it together, and we want to be just like her one day.
The most recent issue of People Magazine, profiled the Obamas' life after the White House, and the piece revealed what exactly Michelle does on a regular day. She attends Soul Cycle classes at a studio near their new offices in Washington D.C.’s West End and “carries her lunch from home in an insulated bag.” Aside from always having a homemade lunch, her other eating habits are pretty relatable. According to the piece, she eats with the folks she works with while catching up on the latest viral videos. Isn't that what lunch breaks are good for?
Since we’re always struggling to come up with ideas for our own packed lunches, we welcome suggestions from anyone, especially the former First Lady. People reports that one of Mrs. Obama’s favourite lunchtime meals is turkey chilli, and lucky for us, the Obamas have been generously sharing their favourite chilli recipe with anyone who asks since 2008. According to an interview he did with the North Coast Journal when he was running for president the first time, President Obama has been making this same chilli recipe since college. He say of this now-famous chilli, "it’s just got the right amount of bite, the right amount of oomph in it and it will clear your sinuses." Maybe it's not the ideal lunch now that the weather has warmed up, but we'll definitely keep it in our back pocket for cooler days.
Though both Michelle and Barack have mastered that special chilli, it seems that our former President has gotten a little rusty with his other kitchen skills after living with a lots of help for eight years. People wrote that President Obama recently admitted he’s been struggling to figure out how the work the coffeemaker. Honestly, he should probably ask Michelle. Anyone who packs their lunch everyday is basically superhuman so she's probably already re-mastered the coffeemaker, post White House life.

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