Why People Are Making Jokes About #BritishThreatLevels On Twitter

Prime Minister Theresa May raised the UK's terror threat level from severe to critical last night in the wake of Monday's Manchester terror attack, suggesting another similar incident is imminent.
In response to the threat of terrorism on British soil, social media users began using the hashtag #BritishThreatLevels to share their "biggest fears". It's the number one trending topic on Twitter in the UK at the time of writing. The tidbits being shared on the hashtag are as if to say, 'We're not scared and will stand together in defiance against attacks on our values' – with some very wry British humour thrown in.
But a backlash has understandably started to emerge, with some criticising the people making jokes so soon after 22 people tragically died and while countless others remain in hospital.
But many have criticised the hashtag, with some suggesting it was averting people's attention from the real issues and making light of the tragic attack.
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