This Little Girl Has An Important Question: "Where Did Barack Obama Go?"

Photo: Shawn Thew/Getty Images.
Most of us know Barack Obama is out there living his best life right now. He's been vacationing, giving speeches, writing a memoir, and just overall glowing. But with the amount of controversial policies coming out of the Trump administration, it's no surprise some people have one important rhetorical question: Why did Obama have to go?!
However, for Taylor, a five-year-old from Texas, the question is very much literal. The star of a series of viral Instagram videos wants to know 1) where is Obama and 2) why did he leave the White House?
Taylor starts by asking, "Where did Barack Obama go? Why do we have another president? Why did he go? Where did he go?"
When her mom replies that he had to leave the White House because presidents can only serve two terms, Taylor switches gears to asks more difficult questions: "How come Hillary [Clinton] did not get to be the president, and why is she the loser? And what are they even supposed to be winning?"
Stifling a laugh, her mom explains that people vote in elections to choose the new president of the United States. This seemed to confuse Taylor at first, but then she says that perhaps President Trump won because a lot of people voted for him.

Part 2 ?

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Her mom tries to explain that Clinton won the popular vote, but lost the electoral college, before stopping herself and saying, "It's a long story."
She begins to wrap her conversation with Taylor by saying that Trump lives in the White House, which was one of her daughter's original questions.
But that's doesn't sit well with Taylor. She asks repeatedly, "But why does he have to live there?”
"Where do you want him to live?" her mother replies.
"I want him to live somewhere else," Taylor answers. "I don’t want him living in Texas!"
But the fact that her mother tells her Trump doesn't live in Texas is not enough for her.
She pouts, "Well, I don't want him to be president, anyway."
In the caption of the first video, her mom wrote that after their exchange the little girl remained mad.
Taylor, if you only knew how many people agree with you.

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