These Are The Most Misspelled Porn Searches

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When Donald Trump sent out a cryptic tweet reading "despite the constant negative press covfefe" in the middle of the night on Wednesday, he drove the Internet into a frenzy of speculation over that one mysterious word. Even Hillary Clinton took a stab at it during an interview at the Code Conference and her own tweet, proclaiming that "people in covfefe houses shouldn't throw covfefe." And a day later, we've got a response to Trump's "covfefe" typo from a very different source: the porn site Pornhub.
In honour of what was presumably a misspelling (most likely of "coverage"), Pornhub analyzed its data to determine which search terms users are misspelling most often. Just for kicks, they broke it down by state.
It seems like the word people have the most trouble with is "porn" itself. "Porm" is the most common misspelling in 15 states. A close second, claiming 12 states, is "henti" — which is supposed to say "hentai," a style of Japanese animation. There are also a lot of people typing "lebsiam," "lesian," and "lesbiam" instead of lesbian, "carton" instead of "cartoon" (unless they're legit looking for carton porn), and "thresome" instead of "threesome." We can't judge them too harshly, though: It's hard to think straight in the heat of the moment.
This isn't the first time Pornhub's had fun with a Trump tweet. After he tweeted "big increase in traffic into our country from certain areas, while our people are far more vulnerable, as we wait for what should be EASY D!" Pornhub's account responded with, "Who doesn't love waiting for some EASY D?"
Pornhub's analysis also revealed that over 9,000 searches contain the word "covfefe," because whenever something happens in the world, people develop an inexplicable desire to look up porn of it. Hopefully, people will respond to this newfound demand, because we're dying to find out what covfefe porn looks like.

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