Beyoncé's Twins Are Reportedly Here & Twitter’s Not Sure How To Feel

Photo: VALERIE MACON/AFP/Getty Images.
It seems like Beyoncé has been pregnant forever, walking around looking like the most perfect gestating human that ever lived, all glowy and glorious. The internet has been on Twin Watch and the amateur detectives of Twitter think Bey and Jay Z's twins may have arrived... or have they? Let's look at the evidence.
A woman was seen entering UCLA Medical Centre with two balloons — one welcoming a boy and the other, a girl — and flowers that had a card addressed to "B + J." The woman is seen talking on a cell phone and wearing dark sunglasses, which ups the "secretive celeb" look.
With that, and a not-so-official announcement from publications like People, the internet was off and running with hilarious takes on what Bey must have looked like after giving birth, what the twins probably thought when they exited Queen B's body, and how the hospital staff must have been feeling following the delivery.
"How I picture #Beyonce walking out of the delivery room right after popping out twins!" one person wrote. Of course, it was like royalty. Bow down, indeed.
Some people are putting their excitement on hold until the official announcement comes from Beyoncé and Jay Z themselves. The couple is known for liking their privacy — and who wouldn't at a time like this? When Bey gave birth to Blue Ivy in 2012, it was rumoured that the couple rented out the entire floor of the hospital to ensure privacy. (The hospital denied the claim.)
Either way, people want cold, hard evidence before celebrated. You know, pics or it didn't happen. The Judge Judy gifs, though, make the wait for an announcement from Bey and Jay a whole lot easier.
If the twins really are here, it's a very sweet Father's Day present for Jay-Z, who recently announced he would be donating money to help bail fathers out of jail. It's admirable that he is thinking of all the dads who can't be around for their kids this weekend, even as he was on the brink of becoming a dad again himself.

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