Sophia Amoruso Announces Netflix Has Canceled Girlboss

Photo: Netflix.
Girlboss, the Netflix show about the life of Nasty Gal founder Sophia Amoruso, has been cancelled after just one season, Variety reports. Amorusa announced the cancellation on Saturday, 24th June through several Instagram stories.
"So that Netflix series about my life got cancelled," she wrote. "While I’m proud of the work we did, I’m looking forward to controlling my narrative from here on out. It was a good show, and I was privileged to work with incredible talent, but living my life as a caricature was hard even if only for two months."
She's likely referring to viewers and critics' negative reactions to the show, particularly the main character based on her. The series follows Amoruso's journey from a 23-year-old selling clothes on eBay to a fashion mogul.
"She’s crafty, and she’s supposed to be just our type," wrote Vulture. "The problem is she’s also kind of a jerk. But nearly every breezy installment, all of which begin streaming Friday, keeps trying to convince us that, despite her flaws, she’s so charming that you have to root for her."
"The frenetic Girlboss is a frustrating but occasionally fun show that might be too enamored with its subject," Entertainment Weekly's review read. Multiple viewers tweeted that they hated the show's protagonist, Pop Buzz reports.
Amoruso defended herself against these characterizations on Instagram. "Yes, I can be difficult," she wrote. "No, I’m not a dick. No, someone named Shane never cheated on me. It will be nice to someday tell the story of what’s happened in the last few years. People read the headline, not the correction, I’ve learned."
In the meantime, it looks like she's moved on. On Sunday, 25th June, she shared a photo of herself on Instagram with the caption, "It's a new era. @girlboss team portrait."

It's a new era. @girlboss team portrait ❣️

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