Pink Cooked With Her Baby; The Mommy-Shamers Brandished Their Pitchforks

Photo: Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images.
It seems the internet loves two things: memes and mommy-shaming. The latest victim of the latter is Pink, née Alecia Beth Moore, who posted a photo of herself cooking with her son Jameson Moon strapped to her chest Monday evening. Commenters declared "dangerous" for the baby, who was born in December of last year. In the photo, Jameson faces towards the pan, where it looks like Pink is sautéing green beans. Pink's 6-year-old daughter Willow Sage also sits on the counter nearby, seemingly observing the cooking.
"A burn of any degree fucking hurts, she's not being a cool mom, it's ridiculous to put a child in a dangerous situation," one commenter wrote.
"Always wore my kid while cooking but I had her in a BACKpack... Too many things could go wrong while cooking," said another.
One follower — trying to be reasonable — wrote, "It's all good to be real and normal parents I get that but at the same time you do have to be safe and that baby facing forward that close to the fire just isn't being responsible. Come on!"

Dinner time

A post shared by P!NK (@pink) on

For every negative comment, though, there are at least four comments of support. Turns out, the mommy-supporting community is a lot stronger than the mommy-shaming community. Many wrote that the Instagram evoked their lives as mothers. It's a photo of a woman cooking dinner with her two small children; for many, that's the epitome modern motherhood.
"The mom shaming has to stop," one wrote in response to the haters. "Where does anyone get off telling someone what they should or shouldn't do with their children. My daughter cooked with me from the time she was a baby, it was a beautiful experience that we still share today."
Pink, for her part, told Refinery29 in May that family meals are very important to her.
"We’re big on family meals," she said, adding, "“We like a messy kitchen in this house. We’re big on manners, but it doesn’t need to be that serious."
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