Could This Character Save The Final Sand Snake?

Photo: Courtesy of HBO.
This article contains spoilers about Sunday night's episode of Game of Thrones. Read ahead at your own risk!
The Sand Snakes are three of the more polarising characters on Game Of Thrones, and for a minute, it seemed the show was done with them. Euron Greyjoy (Pilou Asbæck) attacked their fleet of ships and managed to kill two of them, bringing the third — Tyene, played by Rosabell Laurenti Sellers — to King's Landing for Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey). But even the third sand snake might not make it. During last night's episode, Cersei poisoned Tyene with a concoction called "The Long Farewell" as punishment for the death of her daughter Myrcella (Aimee Richardson). Bye-bye, Sand Snakes. You won't be missed, at least in this corner of the internet.
However, Anthony Schneck over at Thrillist has a theory as to how Tyene might survive. Because, as television critic James Poniewozick pointed out on Twitter, if the Sand Snakes and Ellaria Sand just die, then we will have wasted more than a few good hours on television getting to know them. Surely, the showrunners have something more interesting in store for them.
Tyene, unlike the other two Sand Snakes, actually has a friend in the Seven Kingdoms: Bronn (Jerome Flynn). Back in season five, Tyene poisoned Bronn with The Long Farewell — the very same poison used on her in season seven. She didn't let him die, though; she tossed him the antidote in exchange for him telling her she's "the most beautiful woman in the world." Bronn drank it, and he's still alive today. In fact, he helped lay siege on House Tyrell.
So, if there's anyone in Westeros who has an incentive to save Tyene, it's Bronn. Although, does it really count as saving someone's life if you're the one who also did the poisoning? Bronn also seemed to have a sweet spot for Tyene — he said that Dornish women were the most beautiful women in the world. And, as much as the Sand Snakes are disliked, they have to be here for some purpose. They can't just die off unceremoniously in the beginning of the season.
Now, more importantly, if Bronn saves Tyene, could they marry and steal away together to a far-off land where nothing matters? That's what I want to happen.
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