Pink Just Buried Her Rumoured Feud With Christina Aguilera

Photo: Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images.
Singers Pink and Christina Aguilera have a history that goes way back to the early 2000s. After the pair collaborated on the song "Lady Marmalade" from the Moulin Rouge soundtrack, rumours that they were enemies flooded the tabloids. Finally, all these years later, Pink used Twitter to clear the air and promote friendship.
The tension between the two first started while recording "Lady Marmalade." Pink told VH1's Behind The Music in 2009 that she felt like Aguilera was receiving special treatment and she didn't appreciate it. After that, Pink was vocal about disliking certain artists without ever naming Aguilera specifically. Now, Pink is changing her tune and asking fans to celebrate different musicians.
Pink's clarification comes after it was announced that she is the recipient of MTV's Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award. While her fans were pretty pumped, Aguilera's fans were not pleased at all. One tagged Pink in a rude tweet, inspiring the singer to shut down the idea that she and Aguilera hate each other. Aguilera hasn't commented on the tweets publicly.
So let it be known that Pink and Xtina are no longer at odds. In fact, they haven't been for a while! In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Pink revealed that she had the most fun consulting on season 10 of The Voice when she was working with Aguilera. She admits that they've had a rocky past, but everything is all good now.
"Her and I have had history and it hasn't always been wonderful, but finally, I think it just took us 15 years, and I feel like there was true love. It felt really good," Pink said. "I love when you're around to have a full-circle moment and that was a full-circle moment for me because – in all honesty – I'm a fan of hers."
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