Jon Snow Needs Therapy & Kit Harington Knows It

Photo: Courtesy of HBO.
There's a reason Jon Snow is always brooding — his life is cold and unpleasant. You have to feel for the guy! He spent years stuck on the Wall, he was forced to kill his own girlfriend, he was literally betrayed and murdered by his employees, and hasn't had a chance to update his email signature. The guy is seriously bummed, and it looks like his days are only going to fill with more tribulations.
Kit Harington, who plays Jon Snow in Game of Thrones, agrees that emotionally, Jon isn't doing too well. But the famously dour-faced half-Stark would be very resistant to talking about his problems in an office. "We know that psychotherapy is a very good thing, where we can go very in depth about what makes us 'us,' and resolve our problems, but that’s not Jon. Jon doesn’t talk at the best of times," Harington tells the New York Times. "So a therapy session with Jon, I’m not sure how far the therapist would get. 'Tell me about your mother.' 'I didn’t know her.' 'Go on…'"
Jon Snow has dealt with so many traumatic circumstances and has not had an opportunity to tackle them in a healthy manner. He's so wrapped up in trying to save Westeros as King in the North, but he could really benefit from some self care. It's incredibly common to use work to escape the symptoms of mental illness, but in order to kill an army of demon zombie warriors, Jon needs to look after himself first.
As someone who sees a therapist, I definitely agree with Harrington's assessment. Seeing a therapist has countless benefits — it can help you process trauma, examine unhealthy patterns of behaviour or thinking, and feel supported as you work through mental illness on a day-to-day basis. Supportive therapy has improved many lives, and I encourage anyone who is dealing with difficulty to seek treatment. Mental health is important and worth fighting for — even if you're the King in the North.
If you are experiencing depression and need support, please call Mind on 0300 123 3393.
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