How To Watch A Partial Solar Eclipse In The UK

Right now, our friends in North America are preparing to glimpse the first total solar eclipse in nearly a century. We can't expect to see anything quite so spectacular here in the UK, but this evening, some parts of the country should be able to take in a partial solar eclipse.
Beginning at 7.40pm, the moon will appear to take a small "bite" out of the sun in south-western regions of England and Wales. The most impressive visuals are expected to occur at 8.04pm.
Sadly, the typically contrary British weather will probably prevent other regions of the UK from seeing anything at all.
"From a meteorological point of view it is not looking very good because of the cloud - most people won't be able to see a thing," Met Office forecaster Martin Bowles told The Telegraph.
"[But] there will be some breaks in the cloud in the south-west of the country - south Wales and south-west England," he continued. "There will be enough breaks that people who are looking specifically might be able to see a little chip out of the corner of the sun. Anywhere in the east, including London, won't see anything because it will just be clouded over."
The cloud will also obscure the partial solar eclipse in Scotland and Northern Ireland, Bowles added. Still, at least one person on Twitter is managing to see the funny side.
And if you're not lucky enough to be in the south-west this evening, it's probably worth checking the Instagram feeds of anyone you know who lives in Devon, Cornwall, or Swansea.

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