Khloé Kardashian Says She Missed Out On Major Opportunities Because Of Her Weight

Photo: Cindy Ord/Getty Images.
In anticipation of Keeping Up With The Kardashians’ 10-year anniversary on October 14, Khloé Kardashian recently wrote a piece for Glamour Magazine, reflecting on the wild ride of living on a reality show. Kardashian wrote about how reluctant she and oldest sister Kourtney were to film the show in the beginning because they loved their "little life" of running two small clothing stores. Pretty hard to imagine that now, right? Another major thing that has changed for Khloé since she started filming the reality show in 2007 is how many brands want her to endorse them. In her Glamour essay, the reality star opened up about the fact that in the beginning, brands weren't all that interested in working with her because of one thing: her weight.
Khloé explained that she didn't start getting many opportunities as a result of the show until the fourth or fifth season, and she didn't sugar-coat the reason. She explained, "The truth is that I was heavier then too, so not a lot of endorsements were coming my way. Brands would prefer to align themselves with Kim or Kourtney, which I was totally fine with because I was still along for the ride. But it’s also a very sad thing to realize that most brands are interested only in pretty, cute, in-shape girls."
Because she wasn't receiving as many offers as her sisters, Khloé admitted that she felt like she had to take deals she was less proud of. She wrote, "There were things I did back then that made me think, Why am I doing this? I once did a deal with a tampon company, and I was like, 'Why am I so thirsty?' But I was young, and you feel pressure; you see your sisters getting deals and you’re like, 'Should I be doing something? Is a pad commercial all I can get? Well, OK then.' Khloé also said that when she started to get "in shape," she received "a different amount of attention" from brands.
It is certainly sad to hear Khloé Kardashian explain how her opportunities have been affected by what she looks like, but of course, it's not exactly news that advertisers would overlook someone average-sized, even if they're perfectly healthy. Still, it's encouraging to have this huge star be frank about her experience. Things have since changed quite a bit for Khloé in the endorsement deal department, and we're happy that she's happy now. But, we also wish that this wasn't the reality of being a woman on television and in our world.

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