The Moon Is About To Start Some Drama — & It's Not Even Full

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The September new moon is right around the corner, but before the moon goes completely dark this Wednesday, it must pay a visit to a few of the inner planets in our solar system. Last night, the moon passed in front of Venus, and it's now on course to block out Mars and Mercury this evening, in an event known as an occultation. Considering the sort of influence these planets can have on our lives, there's a chance you'll feel the effects of this cosmic event for the rest of the week.
Similar to an eclipse, an occultation occurs when one celestial body (in this case, the moon) moves in front of another celestial body. Rather than hinder the occulted bodies' energy, this interference can actually intensify it. So, the areas of our lives that Venus, Mars, and Mercury rule will demand more of our attention than usual this week.
When Venus — the ruler of all things related to love, affection, and attraction — is occulted, our minds turn toward thoughts of true love. That isn't to say you'll spend this week searching for The One. More accurately, this event will encourage you to pin down your own definition of "true love." Reflecting on the role that love plays in your overall life might help you ease into bringing up the L-word with a new partner or discussing taking the next step with your long-term S.O. this week.
Meanwhile, the occultation of passionate, action-oriented Mars may prompt you to change your approach to a preexisting challenge. Timid wallflowers may find their voices this week, while those who shoot from the hip may realise it pays to be subtle, rather than direct. With Mars' influence illuminated by the moon, you'll feel the need to reassess how you've been handling an issue at work or at home. This planet's dynamic energy will remind you that there's no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution to your problems.
Finally, the occultation of Mercury, the planet of communication, suggests a period of truth-seeking is incoming. Has someone in your life been hesitant with the facts? You may be in for some hard truths this week — or perhaps you're about to make a revelation of your own. It doesn't hurt that we're finally emerging from the shadow period that began when Mercury exited retrograde on September 5. Even without this occultation taking place, the gates of information were already beginning to open wide.
Although this week's occultation won't be a visual marvel, like last month's solar eclipse, it may have similar, weeklong effects on your life. These areas of influence are certainly very broad, but if you find yourself questioning the role of love in your life or how honest you've been lately, that just might be thanks to the moon.
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