Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Couldn't Convince Wendy Williams They're A Real Couple

Photo: Courtesy of ABC.
If Wendy Williams can't be convinced that Bryan and Rachel's love is real, what does that mean for the rest of us? The Bachelorette star appeared on Wendy's show to discuss life and being engaged to winner Bryan Abosolo.
When Rachel first walked on stage, Wendy admitted that she hadn't watched the reality show. But she remarked at how beautiful Rachel is, and the two gushed over her 3 karat diamond ring.
But it's when Wendy asked about the wedding date that the skepticism came out. "I'm thinking next year. Fall of next year. Maybe the winter. We're not going to rush it." This elicited some "hmmms" from the audience and pursed lips from Wendy. "What does that mean?" Rachel asks.
"Because you rushed the engagement." Wendy replies, without a moment's hesitation. Ouch!
Rachel also opens up about the pressure she felt as a Black woman on the show. "It was like, how do you turn down the opportunity to represent yourself as an African-American woman in a positive way, when we've been so underrepresented in this franchise? And to find love."
Wendy still went in for the spice. "No, you had a chance to be in TV and on every magazine, is what I'm thinking." Wow! Not one to mince words, Wendy then said she doesn't believe you can find love on reality TV, but she's rooting for the couple anyway. "You have an invitation to the wedding!" Rachel offered, but Wendy still looked unconvinced.
Bryan later joined Rachel on stage. He wasn't immune to Wendy's caustic questioning either. Bryan also confirmed that ABC bought the ring and handled their post-show secret rendezvous. Still, he couldn't convince Wendy that their love is real. "I predict that [Rachel and Bryan] will fold, get married on TV, then it will be, Rachel and Bryan have a baby on TV."
Luckily, the rest of us are all aboard the Bryan and Rachel train, but Wendy is still waiting at the platform. As Rachel says in her Instagram post, they want to make Wendy a true believer. Watch the full, very bombastic interview below.
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