This Soon-To-Be Big Sister Is Not Stoked About Her Family's New Addition

Love them or hate them, "gender" reveals have become par for the course for expecting parents. Sometimes, they can be pretty epic and sometimes they go hilariously wrong.
Siobhan O'Brien's reveal that she's having a baby boy fits into that latter category, thanks to an unexpected meltdown from her 3-year-old daughter, Daisy. O'Brien wrote a letter "from" her future child on blue paper and taped blue candy inside to break the news to Daisy, who she knew was wishing for a baby sister. While she expected Daisy to be a little disappointed, she wasn't exactly ready for what happened.
Just watch, and try not to laugh too hard:
Not even her mum's insistence that "having a little baby brother is going to be so much fun" can calm Daisy, though the little blue candies inside the card do the trick by the end of the video. Even as she breaks into the candy (which are "from" her new baby brother — we see what you did there, mum) and sticks one into her mouth, Daisy is not convinced about this whole baby brother thing.
"Do you love your new baby brother?" O'Brien asks. To which Daisy simply shakes her head and says, "no."
Hopefully, she'll have a change of heart after the baby is born. If not, O'Brien is going to have an epic sibling rivalry on her hands.
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